Procurex Scotland Live

Procurex Scotland Live

From October 24, 2024 until October 24, 2024

På Glasgow - Scottish Event Campus, Skottland, Storbritannia

Skrevet av Canton Fair Net

Kategorier: Ingeniørsektoren

Tags: Campus

Treff: 6206

- Procurex Scotland 2023

- INNOVATE- UTDANNERE- SAMARBEID. Torsdag 24. oktober 2024. Skottlands største arrangement for offentlige anskaffelser. Procurex Scotland kommer tilbake i oktober 2024. Alle rettigheter forbeholdt. Før du drar ......Registrer din interesse for Procurex Scotland 2020 - 24. oktober.

Procurex Scotland er en plattform som kobler sammen kjøpere og selgere fra den offentlige sektoren i Skottland, som står for mer enn PS14.5 milliarder i årlige kjøp.

Dette er en unik mulighet for alle deltakere til å få kunnskap om den siste utviklingen på dette feltet. Det gir omfattende muligheter for kompetanseutvikling, samarbeid og produktdemonstrasjoner.

Tom Arthur, the first SNP MSP to be elected for Renfrewshire South in the Scottish Parliament, was elected as the first SNP MSP on May 16, 2016. He has served as a Deputy whip and previously worked for the Cabinet Secretaries for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, Health and Sport and Justice.Currently, he is Minister of Community Wealth and Public Finance.Tom was the very first MSP accredited as a Carer Positive Employer. He led a discussion in parliament to promote this initiative. He has also led discussions on the impact Brexit will have on the music industry and the fight against Hepatitis C. Tom is involved in Cross Party Groups for Social Enterprises and Basic Income.Tom, born in Paisley, was raised in Barrhead, where he attended Cross Arthurlie Primary School and Barrhead High School. He then went on to complete a BMus and MMus at the University of Glasgow. Tom began his career as a keyboardist and piano teacher, playing at corporate events and weddings across Scotland.Tom has been interested in politics for a long time. He first became active in the political arena during the 2007 Scottish Parliament Elections, before joining the SNP. Tom was the former National Secretary of SNP Youth where he updated its constitution and represented it internationally. Tom was an election agent for the 2012 Local Government Elections where he managed the election of SNP Councillors. Tom lives in the locality with his wife, two pugs and a cat. Tom is a music, reading and travel enthusiast.