From May 08, 2024 until May 10, 2024

At Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan

Skrevet av Canton Fair Net



Kategorier: telekommunikasjon, Utdanning og opplæring

Tags: seng

Treff: 8064


Japan's largest exhibition event in the education field. Learn about the state of education today and prepare for the future in three days. EDIX, the largest* education exhibition in Japan, is held every year. It is a must-attend event for anyone involved with universities or vocational schools. EDIX Tokyo has a number of featured products and seminars. EDIX Tokyo will feature teaching materials and content such as "gamification", financial education, and "Information I". This is a must-see for anyone who wants to promote "educational digital"! Special feature on the products, services and seminar that are available at EDIX Tokyo. From May 8th through 10th, the following exhibitions are also being held at Tokyo Big Sight! We offer high-quality consultations on school trips and mobile classes. We provide solutions to problems in the areas of disaster prevention, work style reform and recruitment of human resources in educational settings.

EDIX kan brukes av utdanningsinstitusjoner, bedrifters personalavdelinger og opplæringsavdelinger osv. Den største utdanningsutstillingen i Japan. Arrangementet arrangeres i Tokyo to ganger i året og Kansai en gang i måneden.

Utstillerinformasjonsmateriell (oversikt, prisplaner, etc.)Neste stedsoppsett diagram Tidligere resultatrapport: (antall besøkende, lokalekart, liste og beskrivelse av utstillere etc. Last ned materialet gratis.

EDIX+, EDIXs egne medier, formidler et bredt spekter av informasjon, inkludert utdanningsinformasjon og ekspertintervjuer.